Signs of birth and death in pregnancy calendars of women and animals of the paleolithic era (semiotic analysis of drawings and signs Kapova cave of Bashkortostan)

Doklady Bashkirskogo Universiteta. 2023. Volume 8. No. 3. pp. 7-26.


Bagautdinov A. M.*
Ufa University of Science and Technology
32 Zaki Validi Street, 450076 Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia


The article presents the results of a study on the decipherment of paleolithic text and linguistic signs - the signs and drawings of the Kapova cave in Bashkortostan. It is substantiated that the lunar calendars of pregnancy of animals and primitive women are recorded in the drawings and signs of the cave. A successful pregnancy calendar (trapezoid) contains the sign “Y”, which is the sign of birth of a child or cub. An unsuccessful pregnancy calendar (inverted trapezoid) contains the sign “⅄”- the sign of the death of the fetus or child. The death sign “⅄” next to the trapezoid means the death of the mother. It has been proven that the drawings and signs of the Kapova cave are drawn in accordance with the three-dimensional perception of space by primitive man. Forward is progress, backward is regression; to the left is progress, to the right is regression; down is progress, up is regression. The results of the study prove the hypothesis existing in Russian science about “prehistoric overhunting” - the extermination of mammoths and woolly rhinoceros by primitive people of the Upper Paleolithic.


  • semiotics of paleolithic text
  • linguistic signs
  • signs of birth and death
  • pregnancy calendars of women and animals
  • prenatal rhythms in symbols and signs
  • perception of space by primitive man