Guidelines for authors

General provisions

The journal publishes articles up to 15 pages long (1 page = 1800 characters). Each article should include an abstract (500–600 characters long) and keywords (up to 5 words/phrases) in English.

When preparing an article, you must use the template posted on this site. Use MS Word 2007 (or later versions) for writing/editing your article. The article file must be submitted in DOCX format. Materials must be sent for consideration through a special upload form on the site.


The publication must contain the following information:

  1. Article title.
  2. Full name of the authors.
  3. The name of the organization(s) where the work was performed.
  4. Postal address of the organization.
  5. Email of the author responsible for the correspondence.
  6. The superscript index (1, 2 etc.) indicates the correspondence of authors to organizations.
  7. The symbol * marks the author responsible for the correspondence.
  8. Summary containing the main information about the aim and subject of the study, the main results and conclusions (500–600 characters, including spaces).
  9. Keywords (up to 5 words or phrases).
  10. Publication text.
  11. References (at least 5 sources).
  12. Full name and place of work of the person recommending the article (in accordance with the recommendation of the chair or department).
  13. Abstract in English (if the article is written in Russian).


If the article is written in Russian, the abstract in English is placed at the end of the article. It includes the following items:

  1. Title of the article.
  2. Full name of the authors.
  3. Names and addresses of organizations where the work was performed.
  4. Email of the author responsible for correspondence.
  5. Summary containing the main information about the aim and subject of the study, the main results and conclusions (500–600 characters, including spaces).
  6. Keywords (up to 5 words or phrases).

The summary is a concise overview of the content of the work and indicates the key problems addressed by the author, the approach to these problems and the achievements of the author in solving them. The summary should not contain acronyms, references to other works (except when the article itself is devoted to discussion of the work of another author).


Tables, figures, graphs, illustrations, formulas

The table must have a title (before the table). Figure captions are located below them. Tables and figures should be referenced in the text (for example, Fig. 1, Table 1). You should use Microsoft Excel to make graphs and charts. For mathematical formulas, use the formula editor built into Microsoft Word. Formulas are numbered to the right of the formula in parentheses (5).


Examples of the formatting of references

Articles in journals:

If an article in a scientific journal is also published in a translated English version of the journal, then the translated version should be indicated in the bibliography instead of original article.

  1. Golitsyn S. P. Principles of pharmacotherapy of ventricular arrhythmias // Clinical pharmacology and therapy. 1997. Vol. 6. No. 3. Pp. 14–16.
  2. Tertytchny A. A. Genre Formatting in Periodic Printed Media of Russia // Liberal Arts in Russia.2013. Vol. 2. No. 2. Pp. 117–128.

Collections of articles:

  1. Weekly J. A., Ployhart R. E. An introduction to situational judgment testing // Situational judgment tests: theory, method and application. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2006. Pp. 1–12.


  1. Prigogine I., Stengers I. Order out of chaos. A new dialogue between man and nature. M.: KomKniga, 2005. P. 258.
  2. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language at the beginning of the 21st century. Current vocabulary / Ed. G. N. Sklyarevskaya. Moscow: Eksmo, 2007.
  3. The culture of the attitude of the psychologist to the client: Methodical guidebook for students of psychological and pedagogical specialties / Comp. R. R. Gazizova, T. D. Dubovitskaya. Sterlitamak: RIO SF BashGU, 2012.
  4. Sadler P., Ethier N., Woody W. Interpersonal complementarity // Handbook of interpersonal psychology: theory, research, assessment and therapeutic interventions / Ed. L. W. Horowitz, S. Strack. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley, 2011. Pp. 123–143.
  5. Horowitz L. W., Strack S. Interpersonal complementarity // Handbook of interpersonal psychology: theory, research, assessment and therapeutic interventions / Comp. R. R. Gaziziva, B. U. Ushatova. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley, 2011. Pp. 123–143.


  1. Nikitina A. G. Agreements on the transfer of exclusive rights to objects of intellectual property in the CIS countries: autoref. thesis ... PhD in legal sciences. M., 2011. 24 p.
  2. Borodin B. B. Phenomenon of piano transcription: comprehensive study: autoref. thesis ... Doctor of Arts. M., 2006. 45 p.

Collections of abstracts:

  1. Sabirov D. Sh., Bulgakov R. G., Ponomareva Yu. G. Quantum-chemical modeling of fullerenyl radicals // Proceedings of the conference “Lomonosov-2008”, April 14–18, 2008, Moscow: Chemistry. P. 672.

Certificates and patents:

  1. Certificate of official registration of database No. 2007620256. Mathematical models for predicting interval values of toxicity of heterocyclic compounds / Kirlan S. A., Sementeeva L. Sh., Kantor E. A., Tyurina L. A. (RU). Registered in the Database Registry on 25.07.2007.


  1. Economy and life. URL:


Completeness and presentation of materials

The editors of the journal must submit:

  1. Article file in DOCX format (including abstract in English if the article is written in Russian).
  2. Recommendation from the department, certified by the signature of the head and the seal (a scanned copy).
  3. License agreement (provided by the editorial office)


Articles that do not fulfill these requirements are not considered by the editors. The editorial board reserves the right not to publish articles in case of non-compliance with the rules.