Structural and semantic models of French and Russian microtoponyms

Doklady Bashkirskogo Universiteta. 2024. Volume 9. No. 2. pp. 83-94.


The comparison of the microtoponymy of the French and Russian villages is of interest in terms of the structure of its nomination and semantic content. New directions in the study of proper names have expanded not only the semantics of French and Russian microtoponyms, but also defined their word-formation models in which both common and individual linguistic characteristics can be distin-guished. The common features of structural models of both French and Russian microtoponyms are the direct transition of a common word into a toponym, an affixal method of formation, a word structure and a phrase combination.


  • proper name
  • toponym
  • structure
  • semantics
  • precedent
  • toponymic space
  • topoconcept
  • word-formation model