Structural and semantic analysis of Uruguayan anthropotoponyms and their memorial function

Doklady Bashkirskogo Universiteta. 2023. Volume 8. No. 3. pp. 59-67.


Martynenko I. A.*
Kutafin Moscow State Law University
9 Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya Street, 125993 Moscow, Russia


The article discusses the origin and structure of the Hispanic anthropotoponyms of Uruguay, traces the connection between the historical events that took place from the moment of landing of the first Europeans on the territory of contemporary Uruguay, and the emergence of toponymic units. A semantic classification of Uruguayan anthropotoponyms is proposed, and numerous examples are given. The models and constructions by which the considered toponyms are formed are shown. Conclusions are drawn about the memorial function they perform.


  • toponymy
  • Spanish
  • Uruguay
  • anthropotoponym
  • memorial