Emergence property as a result of developing of a language system

Doklady Bashkirskogo Universiteta. 2023. Volume 8. No. 3. pp. 1-6.


Albekov N. N.*
Chechen State Pedagogical University; Chechen State University named after A-Kh. Kadyrov
62 Kh. Isaev Avenue, 364068 Grozny, Chechen Republic, Russia; 32 A. Sheripov Street, 364024 Grozny, Chechen Republic, Russia


The property of emergence is presented as a result of changes in any structural units at different levels of a system. Accordingly, the property of emergence reflects the statics of a system, which depends on even minor changes in the structure of a system at whatever level they occur. The article, based on the material of the Chechen language, in particular, on some changes in the Code of Spelling Rules of the Chechen Language, demonstrates that changing, clarifying some existing rule or introducing a new one leads to the need of making adjustments, radical changes or even exclusion of a number of other rules, which leads to the emergence of new properties of the emergence of the language system as a whole. It is stated that the changes that were made to the spelling rules of the Chechen language had a positive effect in ordering not only the spelling, but also the grammar of the Chechen language, in accordance with the principles and rules dictated by the emergence of the language system as a whole.


  • emergence
  • Chechen language
  • language system
  • system units