Translation of anomalous fragments with the lexeme “parrot”
Doklady Bashkirskogo Universiteta. 2021. Volume 6. No. 2. pp. 100-104.
Iskhakova E. V.*
Bashkir State University
32 Zaki Validi Street, 450076 Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia
In the article the lexeme “parrot” in the postmodern text “Flaubert’s Parrot” (1984) by the English writer J. Barnes is examined. The anomalous fragments of the text with the lexeme “parrot” in the original text and in its translation made by A. Borisenko and V. Sonkin in 2017 are analyzed. Such technique as outness is discovered. The relations of outness serve as the basis for methaphorical and metonymic transfer, and, for an accurate translation of the outness concept in the literary texts the outness concept it is necessary to build the synonymic rows.
- text anomaly
- translation
- postmodern text