Syntactico-stylistic peculiarities of advertising discourse

Doklady Bashkirskogo Universiteta. 2018. Volume 3. No. 2. pp. 216-221.


Minlibaeva E. R.*
Bashkir State University
32 Zaki Validi Street, 450074 Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia


The article deals with the concept of tropes and their functions in advertising. It should be noted that their main role is to give a bright image to the advertised product in order to better memorize. Based on the analysis of advertising texts, the most common syntactic means were analyzed. Advertising communication, being a synthetic, multicultural form of communication includes verbal and non-verbal types of discourses. It does not just meet with many sociocultural discourses but represents a mosaic in a society of sociocultural discourses (economic discourse, political discourse, etc.).


  • advertising discourse
  • manipulation
  • trails
  • syntactic means
  • emotionally expressive elements