Phonetic development of the arabic borrowings in the Bashkir language

Doklady Bashkirskogo Universiteta. 2016. Volume 1. No. 4. pp. 763-768.


Bahtiyarova A. N.*
Bashkir State University
32 Zaki Validi Street, 450076 Ufa, Russia


In the borrowing process arabisms undergo different phonetic transformations due to difference of Arabic and Bashkir phonetic structures. Specific Arabic sounds or completely fall out or replaced by other Bashkir sounds. Both vowels and consonants are phonetically changed in the borrowing process. The basic phonetic laws in the borrowings of Arabic words in the Bashkir language are palatal and lip harmony, assimilation and dissimulation of consonants, reduction and elision of vowels, reduction and elision of consonants, the change of the long vowels, accommodation, prosthesis, epenesa, metathesis and apocope.


  • arabisms
  • borrowing
  • phonetic development
  • Arabic language
  • Bashkir language