On the possibility of the improvement of dictionary definitions characterizing ornithonyms

Doklady Bashkirskogo Universiteta. 2016. Volume 1. No. 3. pp. 577-582.


Kurashkina N. A.*
Bashkir State University
32 Zaki Validi Street, 450076 Ufa, Russia


The article discusses the problem of a possible improvement of dictionary definitions characterizing ornithonyms. The research is based on three Russian Academic dictionaries, three English and two French explanatory dictionaries. An improved defining strategy for bird names, which implies standardization, is built on the basis of the analysis of the above mentioned dictionaries. It is viewed that the structure of each definition comprises eight obligatory and four optional components.


  • ornithonym
  • explanatory-encyclopedic definition
  • obligatory component
  • optional component
  • the structure of the definition