The concept of “mind virus” in the modern information field

Doklady Bashkirskogo Universiteta. 2024. Volume 9. No. 3. pp. 1-9.


Albekov N. N.*
Chechen State Pedagogical University; Chechen State University named after A.-Kh. Kadyrov
62 Kh. Isaev ave., 364068 Grozny, Chechen Republic, Russia; 32 A. Sheripov st., 364024 Grozny, Chechen Republic, Russia


The article provides a brief analysis of the concept of “virus of mind’ and its functioning in the modern information field. It is indicated that in almost all works in which the problem of the mind virus is addressed to one degree or another, it is considered in the context of influencing human consciousness or the mass of people. It is stated that the use of certain verbal units, as well as their structuring in the necessary order, can lead to almost the same effect of exposure to an object as with a biological or computer virus, i.e., leading to psychological stress, distortion of reality, information failure, negative emotions, etc.


  • virus of mind
  • information field
  • psychological impact
  • discourse
  • speech situation