Actualization of biblical pre-texts in the English-language translation versions of A. Chekhov’s short stories

Doklady Bashkirskogo Universiteta. 2024. Volume 9. No. 2. pp. 95-99.


The article is devoted to the problem of actualization of biblical pre-texts in literary translation. The relevance of the work is due to the need to study English-language translations of Chekhov's short stories in the aspect of the problem of interpreting intertextual inclusions from biblical pre-texts, in order to study actualization of their metaphorical meanings in translation. The novelty of the research is to consider the units containing biblical pre-texts in the aspect of comparative analysis of A. Chekhov’s short story “Rothschild's Fiddle” (1894) and its English-language translations performed by the British translators K. Garnett (“Rothschild's Fiddle", 1920) and G. Ledger (“Rothschild's Violin", 2014). It is concluded that in order to convey in translation the meanings of such intertextual inclusions of a literary text, it is necessary to use either translation commentary or translators’ notes.


  • biblical pre-texts
  • literary translation
  • Russian language
  • English language
  • A. Chekhov