Study of mercury content in groundwater in the vicinity of the village of Semenovskoe, Baymak District of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Doklady Bashkirskogo Universiteta. 2019. Volume 4. No. 1. pp. 35-38.


Yanturin S. I.
Bashkir State University, Sibay Branch (Institute)
21 Belova Street, 453833 Sibay, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia
Hisametdinova A. Yu.*
Bashkir State University, Sibay Branch (Institute)
21 Belova Street, 453833 Sibay, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia


Mercury is one of the most dangerous metals that pollute the environment. Practically in all countries of the world it is included in the “black lists” of chemicals subject to special environmental and hygienic control. Mercury-containing waste in terms of toxicity refers to the first class of danger. Expressed figuratively, we can say that they are a chemical bomb of delayed action. Therefore, it is so important to study drinking water in zones of technogenic mercury contamination. Including in the Bashkir Trans-Urals, on the territory of which many mining enterprises are concentrated.


  • mercury
  • groundwater
  • the village of Semenovskoe